It's Fat Tues and we have been to a party a night for the last (3) nights in a row. We decided to stay in and I cooked collards from the garden. I seasoned them with dried chaynne peppers(last years crop) and leftover ham. I added sea salt , pepper and a generous splash of fig vinegar. Yum....

I also made dirty rice with the trinity(peppers, celery and onions) spicy sausage, brown rice, Cajun spices and chicken stock. I cook it all in a well seasoned cast iron skillet. This is all that was left after the (3) of us ate till we popped.

Oh yea... I also served biscuits and honey. Now to curl up with some homemade apple jack and a 1932 risque Jean Harlow movie. Heaven.
I was asleep by 8:30!